[Matlab-emacs-discuss] How to debug MEX files (C code) from Emacs?
Dong Tian
2017-07-19 17:56:21 UTC

Could anyone provide a pointer on how to debug MEX files from Emacs?
E.g. using gdb?

I am familiar with the procedure of debugging pure c/c++ code or .m code
from Emacs using gdb, but I don't know a good way to debug MEX file coded
in C from Emacs.

Thanks in advance,
Eric Ludlam
2017-07-19 21:01:56 UTC
Hi Dong,

You can fire up GDB from within Emacs and "attach" to a process. Using this to attach to a process running MATLAB inside Emacs' matlab-shell will let you debug through MATLAB code and into your C++ code.

I haven't done this in a few years, and not with Mex (I was debugging MATLAB directly) but I'm guessing the principle is the same.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dong Tian [mailto:***@merl.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 1:56 PM
To: matlab-emacs-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Matlab-emacs-discuss] How to debug MEX files (C code) from Emacs?


Could anyone provide a pointer on how to debug MEX files from Emacs?
E.g. using gdb?

I am familiar with the procedure of debugging pure c/c++ code or .m code from Emacs using gdb, but I don't know a good way to debug MEX file coded in C from Emacs.

Thanks in advance,

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