[Matlab-emacs-discuss] git repo at sourceforge.
Uwe Brauer
2016-02-09 16:57:05 UTC

Eric opened a git repo at sourceforge, I have write access and applied
the first patch (see my other messages).
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/matlab-emacs/src matlab-emacs-src

Others who want to contribute:

- please communicate your sourceforge uid to Eric.

- github users, please set up a github mirror if you wish so that
we can see whether we move completely to github.

Uwe Brauer
Simon Brown
2016-02-09 18:14:28 UTC
On Tue, 9 Feb 2016, at 04:57 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> Hi
> Eric opened a git repo at sourceforge, I have write access and applied
> the first patch (see my other messages).
> git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/matlab-emacs/src matlab-emacs-src
> Others who want to contribute:
> - please communicate your sourceforge uid to Eric.
> - github users, please set up a github mirror if you wish so that
> we can see whether we move completely to github.

I have set up a github mirror here:
I've invited Andrzej Pronobis and Honglin Yu to join the matlab-mode
organisation. If anyone else would like an invite, please let me know.
As far as I can tell neither Eric nor Uwe have github accounts.

It's a little incongruous that I end up owning this, but I'm happy to
keep the mirror up-to-date.

Uwe Brauer
2016-02-10 10:44:38 UTC
> On Tue, 9 Feb 2016, at 04:57 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:

> I have set up a github mirror here:
> https://github.com/matlab-mode/mirror
> I've invited Andrzej Pronobis and Honglin Yu to join the matlab-mode
> organisation. If anyone else would like an invite, please let me know.
> As far as I can tell neither Eric nor Uwe have github accounts.

Yes I do, my userid is ouboub

> It's a little incongruous that I end up owning this, but I'm happy to
> keep the mirror up-to-date.

I committed and pushed to the git repo in sourceforge, as far as I can
tell it yet does not show up in the mirror.

Uwe Brauer
2016-02-10 15:06:59 UTC
> On Tue, 9 Feb 2016, at 04:57 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:

> I have set up a github mirror here:
> https://github.com/matlab-mode/mirror
> I've invited Andrzej Pronobis and Honglin Yu to join the matlab-mode
> organisation. If anyone else would like an invite, please let me know.
> As far as I can tell neither Eric nor Uwe have github accounts.

> It's a little incongruous that I end up owning this, but I'm happy to
> keep the mirror up-to-date.


It seems that the mirror does not get updated, at least not very
quickly, my push to sf I have not seen on github.

Simon Brown
2016-02-10 17:58:10 UTC
On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, at 03:06 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> > On Tue, 9 Feb 2016, at 04:57 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> > I have set up a github mirror here:
> > https://github.com/matlab-mode/mirror
> > I've invited Andrzej Pronobis and Honglin Yu to join the matlab-mode
> > organisation. If anyone else would like an invite, please let me know.
> > As far as I can tell neither Eric nor Uwe have github accounts.
> > It's a little incongruous that I end up owning this, but I'm happy to
> > keep the mirror up-to-date.
> It seems that the mirror does not get updated, at least not very
> quickly, my push to sf I have not seen on github.

It's not automatic. I've updated the repo and invited you to be a owner
of the github group.

Uwe Brauer
2016-02-11 10:04:15 UTC
> On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, at 03:06 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:

> It's not automatic. I've updated the repo and invited you to be a owner
> of the github group.

Thanks. I accepted. Stupid question, how to I update the repo after a
push to sf? I don't see any relevant button?

Simon Brown
2016-02-12 12:37:03 UTC
Hi Uwe,

On Thu, 11 Feb 2016, at 10:04 AM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> > On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, at 03:06 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> > It's not automatic. I've updated the repo and invited you to be a owner
> > of the github group.
> Thanks. I accepted. Stupid question, how to I update the repo after a
> push to sf? I don't see any relevant button?

I have a copy of the sf repo on my machine. I added github as a remote
called github:
git remote add github ***@github.com:matlab-mode/mirror.git

Now I fetch from sf and then push to the github remote:
git push github master

This is probably not optimal as I think there maybe problems with tags
being lost. I think
git push github master --tags is the correct command, but I haven't used
it yet.

Uwe Brauer
2016-02-12 21:07:29 UTC
>>> "Simon" == Simon Brown <***@700c.org> writes:

> Hi Uwe,
> On Thu, 11 Feb 2016, at 10:04 AM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> > On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, at 03:06 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> > It's not automatic. I've updated the repo and invited you to be a owner
>> > of the github group.
>> Thanks. I accepted. Stupid question, how to I update the repo after a
>> push to sf? I don't see any relevant button?

> I have a copy of the sf repo on my machine. I added github as a remote
> called github:
> git remote add github ***@github.com:matlab-mode/mirror.git

Are ok, I thought there was a magic button on the github webpage! My

Torben Knudsen
2016-03-04 04:25:00 UTC
I am happy with emacs matlab-mode but have for a while given up on making debug functionality like matlab-shell-last-error work and I have also difficulties with other things. I am confused about what the discussion in February was really about. Changing organisation of matlab-mode or also improving it. I will be happy to know if there is a new mailing list or similar and if there is new improved versions of matlab-mode.

I use matlab-mode, version 3.3.2 and matlab R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)

Associate Prof. Ph.D Torben Knudsen Mobile : (+45) 2787 9826
Section of Automation and Control,
Department of Electronic Systems, Email : ***@es.aau.dk
Aalborg University Web : es.aau.dk/staff/tk
Fredrik Bajersvej 7
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø

Fra: Uwe Brauer [***@mat.ucm.es]
Sendt: 12. februar 2016 22:07
Til: Simon Brown
Cc: matlab-emacs
Emne: Re: [Matlab-emacs-discuss] git repo at sourceforge.

>>> "Simon" == Simon Brown <***@700c.org> writes:

> Hi Uwe,
> On Thu, 11 Feb 2016, at 10:04 AM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> > On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, at 03:06 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> > It's not automatic. I've updated the repo and invited you to be a owner
>> > of the github group.
>> Thanks. I accepted. Stupid question, how to I update the repo after a
>> push to sf? I don't see any relevant button?

> I have a copy of the sf repo on my machine. I added github as a remote
> called github:
> git remote add github ***@github.com:matlab-mode/mirror.git

Are ok, I thought there was a magic button on the github webpage! My


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Matlab-emacs-discuss mailing list
Eric Ludlam
2016-03-04 22:40:48 UTC
Hi Torben,

Thanks for the feedback. The recent discussion was about Uwe volunteering to help move matlab.el forward since I don't have the bandwidth to do that anymore. That took on the shape of some DVCS updates, installing some old pending patches, and possibly merging in some forks of matlab.el.

I also think it would be great to get some of the debugging features working again. I haven't had time to do that though.
I thought I saw someone post a patch/idea for getting some of that feature back by overloading some .m files in the matlab-mode toolbox directory and adding extra output, but I can't find the thread ATM. It would be great to keep that going.


-----Original Message-----
From: Torben Knudsen [mailto:***@es.aau.dk]
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2016 11:25 PM
To: Uwe Brauer <***@mat.ucm.es>; Simon Brown <***@700c.org>
Cc: matlab-emacs <matlab-emacs-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [Matlab-emacs-discuss] git repo at sourceforge.

I am happy with emacs matlab-mode but have for a while given up on making debug functionality like matlab-shell-last-error work and I have also difficulties with other things. I am confused about what the discussion in February was really about. Changing organisation of matlab-mode or also improving it. I will be happy to know if there is a new mailing list or similar and if there is new improved versions of matlab-mode.

I use matlab-mode, version 3.3.2 and matlab R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)

Associate Prof. Ph.D Torben Knudsen Mobile : (+45) 2787 9826
Section of Automation and Control,
Department of Electronic Systems, Email : ***@es.aau.dk
Aalborg University Web : es.aau.dk/staff/tk
Fredrik Bajersvej 7
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø

Fra: Uwe Brauer [***@mat.ucm.es]
Sendt: 12. februar 2016 22:07
Til: Simon Brown
Cc: matlab-emacs
Emne: Re: [Matlab-emacs-discuss] git repo at sourceforge.

>>> "Simon" == Simon Brown <***@700c.org> writes:

> Hi Uwe,
> On Thu, 11 Feb 2016, at 10:04 AM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> > On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, at 03:06 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> > It's not automatic. I've updated the repo and invited you to be a owner
>> > of the github group.
>> Thanks. I accepted. Stupid question, how to I update the repo after a
>> push to sf? I don't see any relevant button?

> I have a copy of the sf repo on my machine. I added github as a remote
> called github:
> git remote add github ***@github.com:matlab-mode/mirror.git

Are ok, I thought there was a magic button on the github webpage! My bad.


Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month Monitor end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
Matlab-emacs-discuss mailing list

Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month Monitor end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
Matlab-emacs-discuss mailing list

Torben Knudsen
2016-03-06 18:14:25 UTC
Dear Eric

Thanks for the info. I will wait and see if some onfo on improvements comes up.

Associate Prof. Ph.D Torben Knudsen Mobile : (+45) 2787 9826
Section of Automation and Control,
Department of Electronic Systems, Email : ***@es.aau.dk
Aalborg University Web : es.aau.dk/staff/tk
Fredrik Bajersvej 7
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø

Fra: Eric Ludlam [***@mathworks.com]
Sendt: 4. marts 2016 23:40
Til: Torben Knudsen; Uwe Brauer; Simon Brown
Cc: matlab-emacs
Emne: RE: [Matlab-emacs-discuss] git repo at sourceforge.

Hi Torben,

Thanks for the feedback. The recent discussion was about Uwe volunteering to help move matlab.el forward since I don't have the bandwidth to do that anymore. That took on the shape of some DVCS updates, installing some old pending patches, and possibly merging in some forks of matlab.el.

I also think it would be great to get some of the debugging features working again. I haven't had time to do that though.
I thought I saw someone post a patch/idea for getting some of that feature back by overloading some .m files in the matlab-mode toolbox directory and adding extra output, but I can't find the thread ATM. It would be great to keep that going.


-----Original Message-----
From: Torben Knudsen [mailto:***@es.aau.dk]
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2016 11:25 PM
To: Uwe Brauer <***@mat.ucm.es>; Simon Brown <***@700c.org>
Cc: matlab-emacs <matlab-emacs-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [Matlab-emacs-discuss] git repo at sourceforge.

I am happy with emacs matlab-mode but have for a while given up on making debug functionality like matlab-shell-last-error work and I have also difficulties with other things. I am confused about what the discussion in February was really about. Changing organisation of matlab-mode or also improving it. I will be happy to know if there is a new mailing list or similar and if there is new improved versions of matlab-mode.

I use matlab-mode, version 3.3.2 and matlab R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)

Associate Prof. Ph.D Torben Knudsen Mobile : (+45) 2787 9826
Section of Automation and Control,
Department of Electronic Systems, Email : ***@es.aau.dk
Aalborg University Web : es.aau.dk/staff/tk
Fredrik Bajersvej 7
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø

Fra: Uwe Brauer [***@mat.ucm.es]
Sendt: 12. februar 2016 22:07
Til: Simon Brown
Cc: matlab-emacs
Emne: Re: [Matlab-emacs-discuss] git repo at sourceforge.

>>> "Simon" == Simon Brown <***@700c.org> writes:

> Hi Uwe,
> On Thu, 11 Feb 2016, at 10:04 AM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> > On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, at 03:06 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> > It's not automatic. I've updated the repo and invited you to be a owner
>> > of the github group.
>> Thanks. I accepted. Stupid question, how to I update the repo after a
>> push to sf? I don't see any relevant button?

> I have a copy of the sf repo on my machine. I added github as a remote
> called github:
> git remote add github ***@github.com:matlab-mode/mirror.git

Are ok, I thought there was a magic button on the github webpage! My bad.


Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month Monitor end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
Matlab-emacs-discuss mailing list

Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month Monitor end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
Matlab-emacs-discuss mailing list

Odd Andersen
2016-03-06 20:20:03 UTC
Perhaps you are referring to this link:
(Note the attachments: 'dbhotlink.m' and 'debugger.patch')

Odd A.

On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:40 PM, Eric Ludlam <***@mathworks.com>

> Hi Torben,
> Thanks for the feedback. The recent discussion was about Uwe volunteering
> to help move matlab.el forward since I don't have the bandwidth to do that
> anymore. That took on the shape of some DVCS updates, installing some old
> pending patches, and possibly merging in some forks of matlab.el.
> I also think it would be great to get some of the debugging features
> working again. I haven't had time to do that though.
> I thought I saw someone post a patch/idea for getting some of that feature
> back by overloading some .m files in the matlab-mode toolbox directory and
> adding extra output, but I can't find the thread ATM. It would be great to
> keep that going.
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Torben Knudsen [mailto:***@es.aau.dk]
> Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2016 11:25 PM
> To: Uwe Brauer <***@mat.ucm.es>; Simon Brown <***@700c.org>
> Cc: matlab-emacs <matlab-emacs-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Matlab-emacs-discuss] git repo at sourceforge.
> I am happy with emacs matlab-mode but have for a while given up on making
> debug functionality like matlab-shell-last-error work and I have also
> difficulties with other things. I am confused about what the discussion in
> February was really about. Changing organisation of matlab-mode or also
> improving it. I will be happy to know if there is a new mailing list or
> similar and if there is new improved versions of matlab-mode.
> I use matlab-mode, version 3.3.2 and matlab R2014a ( 64-bit
> (glnxa64)
> Associate Prof. Ph.D Torben Knudsen Mobile : (+45) 2787 9826
> Section of Automation and Control,
> Department of Electronic Systems, Email : ***@es.aau.dk
> Aalborg University Web : es.aau.dk/staff/tk
> Fredrik Bajersvej 7
> DK-9220 Aalborg Ø
> Denmark
> ________________________________________
> Fra: Uwe Brauer [***@mat.ucm.es]
> Sendt: 12. februar 2016 22:07
> Til: Simon Brown
> Cc: matlab-emacs
> Emne: Re: [Matlab-emacs-discuss] git repo at sourceforge.
> >>> "Simon" == Simon Brown <***@700c.org> writes:
> > Hi Uwe,
> > On Thu, 11 Feb 2016, at 10:04 AM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> >> > On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, at 03:06 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> >> > It's not automatic. I've updated the repo and invited you to be a
> owner
> >> > of the github group.
> >> Thanks. I accepted. Stupid question, how to I update the repo after a
> >> push to sf? I don't see any relevant button?
> > I have a copy of the sf repo on my machine. I added github as a remote
> > called github:
> > git remote add github ***@github.com:matlab-mode/mirror.git
> Are ok, I thought there was a magic button on the github webpage! My bad.
> Thanks
> Uwe
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance APM
> + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month Monitor
> end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now Troubleshoot
> faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
> http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=272487151&iu=/4140
> _______________________________________________
> Matlab-emacs-discuss mailing list
> Matlab-emacs-***@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/matlab-emacs-discuss
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance APM
> + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month Monitor
> end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now Troubleshoot
> faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
> http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=272487151&iu=/4140
> _______________________________________________
> Matlab-emacs-discuss mailing list
> Matlab-emacs-***@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/matlab-emacs-discuss
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Matlab-emacs-discuss mailing list
> Matlab-emacs-***@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/matlab-emacs-discuss
Uwe Brauer
2016-03-06 20:34:30 UTC
>>> "Odd" == Odd Andersen <***@gmail.com> writes:

> Perhaps you are referring to this link: https://sourceforge.net/p/
> matlab-emacs/mailman/message/34818751/
> (Note the attachments: 'dbhotlink.m' and 'debugger.patch')

> Odd A.


I confess I am bit old fashioned and have difficulties reading
top-posting emails.

It is not clear to me whether your patch(es) resolve your issue
but/and/or might break down things for older matlab versions?

Could you please clarify? Eric what is your opinion about the patches?
I can apply them but I would like to know its consequences.


Uwe Brauer

Eric Ludlam
2016-03-07 17:02:24 UTC
-----Original Message-----
From: Uwe Brauer [mailto:***@mat.ucm.es]

>>> "Odd" == Odd Andersen <***@gmail.com> writes:

> Perhaps you are referring to this link: https://sourceforge.net/p/
> matlab-emacs/mailman/message/34818751/
> (Note the attachments: 'dbhotlink.m' and 'debugger.patch')

> Odd A.


I confess I am bit old fashioned and have difficulties reading top-posting emails.

It is not clear to me whether your patch(es) resolve your issue but/and/or might break down things for older matlab versions?

Could you please clarify? Eric what is your opinion about the patches?
I can apply them but I would like to know its consequences.


Hi Uwe,

In the distant past, Emacs Matlab debugging worked by parsing the raw output text. It was a bit finicky but worked ok. That broke when the text output suddenly started emitting html style hotlinks as part of the java desktop. I re-wrote the parsing engine to focus on the hotlinks because they were very regular and reliable. It turns out, that the emitting of hotlinks was a bug that they ever came out on a generic terminal, so that was fixed, so now there is nothing for the parsing engine to pay attention to.

I like the idea of having new db commands unique to Emacs so that we control the output. If we turn the hotlink feature off (currently being turned on) and switch to these new commands, things should work in older MATLABs as well.

It will take a bit of testing to make sure it works reliably, and I think the # folks on this mailing list has gotten pretty small. I think it's worth going for it and expanding to all the relevant debug commands, and posting a request for testing when the patch is in.

It doesn't help with error output, and jump-to-last-error though. That would still need to be solved.

Uwe Brauer
2016-03-12 17:54:08 UTC
>>> "Eric" == Eric Ludlam <***@mathworks.com> writes:

> ---

> Hi Uwe,

> In the distant past, Emacs Matlab debugging worked by parsing the
> raw output text. It was a bit finicky but worked ok. That broke
> when the text output suddenly started emitting html style hotlinks
> as part of the java desktop. I re-wrote the parsing engine to focus
> on the hotlinks because they were very regular and reliable. It
> turns out, that the emitting of hotlinks was a bug that they ever
> came out on a generic terminal, so that was fixed, so now there is
> nothing for the parsing engine to pay attention to.

> I like the idea of having new db commands unique to Emacs so that
> we control the output. If we turn the hotlink feature off
> (currently being turned on) and switch to these new commands,
> things should work in older MATLABs as well.

So to be sure: that patch we are talking about does these 2 things?
Or must the hotlink feature turned off manually? If so then this should
be mentioned in the release notes and/or the doc string.

> It will take a bit of testing to make sure it works reliably, and I
> think the # folks on this mailing list has gotten pretty small. I
> think it's worth going for it and expanding to all the relevant
> debug commands, and posting a request for testing when the patch is
> in.

Ok I could apply the patch and change the matlab version number to make
clear that there is something *new*, but I want to be sure not to break
backward compatibility, also out of egoistic motives. I am still stuck
on my laptop to Matlab 2010 and don't want to break things.

> It doesn't help with error output, and jump-to-last-error though.
> That would still need to be solved.

Odd Andersen
2016-03-13 10:21:00 UTC
Hi, Uwe,

Honestly, I wrote the patch as a workaround since the new versions of
Matlab no longer emit hotlinks in terminal mode.
It works by remapping the emacs debugger keyboard shortcuts to new
functions that insert these hotlinks themselves where Matlab used to do
so. They are then picked up by emacs-matlab as if they had been emitted by

I wrote this primarily to be able to keep debugging my Matlab scripts in
emacs, since this no longer worked when I installed Matlab2015b. My
knowledge of matlab-emacs is however quite superficial, so I cannot confirm
whether there are no unintended side effects. I posted it on the mailing
list in the hope it could be useful, as several people have reported the
same problem.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 6:54 PM, Uwe Brauer <***@mat.ucm.es> wrote:

> >>> "Eric" == Eric Ludlam <***@mathworks.com> writes:
> > ---
> > Hi Uwe,
> > In the distant past, Emacs Matlab debugging worked by parsing the
> > raw output text. It was a bit finicky but worked ok. That broke
> > when the text output suddenly started emitting html style hotlinks
> > as part of the java desktop. I re-wrote the parsing engine to focus
> > on the hotlinks because they were very regular and reliable. It
> > turns out, that the emitting of hotlinks was a bug that they ever
> > came out on a generic terminal, so that was fixed, so now there is
> > nothing for the parsing engine to pay attention to.
> > I like the idea of having new db commands unique to Emacs so that
> > we control the output. If we turn the hotlink feature off
> > (currently being turned on) and switch to these new commands,
> > things should work in older MATLABs as well.
> So to be sure: that patch we are talking about does these 2 things?
> Or must the hotlink feature turned off manually? If so then this should
> be mentioned in the release notes and/or the doc string.
> > It will take a bit of testing to make sure it works reliably, and I
> > think the # folks on this mailing list has gotten pretty small. I
> > think it's worth going for it and expanding to all the relevant
> > debug commands, and posting a request for testing when the patch is
> > in.
> Ok I could apply the patch and change the matlab version number to make
> clear that there is something *new*, but I want to be sure not to break
> backward compatibility, also out of egoistic motives. I am still stuck
> on my laptop to Matlab 2010 and don't want to break things.
> > It doesn't help with error output, and jump-to-last-error though.
> > That would still need to be solved.
> Ok
> Uwe
Uwe Brauer
2016-03-14 18:02:56 UTC
>>> "Odd" == Odd Andersen <***@gmail.com> writes:

Hi Odd,

> Hi, Uwe,
> Honestly, I wrote the patch as a workaround since the new versions of
> Matlab no longer emit hotlinks in terminal mode. 
> It works by remapping the emacs debugger keyboard shortcuts to new
> functions that insert these hotlinks themselves where Matlab used to
> do so.  They are then picked up by emacs-matlab as if they had been
> emitted by Matlab.

> I wrote this primarily to be able to keep debugging my Matlab scripts
> in emacs, since this no longer worked when I installed Matlab2015b. 
> My knowledge of matlab-emacs is however quite superficial, so I
> cannot confirm whether there are no unintended side effects.  I
> posted it on the mailing list in the hope it could be useful, as
> several people have reported the same problem.

Hm I see. So I'd say: if we had a huge developer base I would recommend
to use a branch, but I doubt then, that someone would test it.

So let us be bold and I apply the patch (in the coming days), the beauty
about git (and hg) is we can return to the previous state in no time.
Maybe I add a tag.

Uwe Brauer
2016-03-16 21:50:35 UTC
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