[Matlab-emacs-discuss] matlab-emacs on Windows 10 with a cygwin emacs
Christian Peel
2017-05-23 01:17:16 UTC
Hi folks,

I'm using Matlab 2015a on Windows 10 with GNU Emacs 25.2.1
(x86_64-unknown-cygwin) via cygwin. My goal is to use emacs with matlab in
generally the same way as in the EEI-enabled past, or as described by Eric
Ludlum in a 2009 Matworks post: https://goo.gl/E7AO51 Do others do
this? Or at least thing it's possible? I think I've done this in the
past, yet I've always had some sort of *NIX available to work on and did
not rely on Windows.

I can use a batch file to open emacsclient from matlab (say via 'open
myfun'), which flashes a batch window on the screen. Is there any way to
start emacsclient without this DOS command window temporarily showing up on
the screen? This is relatively minor and just provides context for the
question below.

After configuring emacsclient as editor, and having it work as above, why
does clicking on line number in the command window open the *Matlab
Editor*? The same thing happens if I set the editor preference to
'Automatically open files when Matlab reaches a breakpoint'.

I'm happy to give more details as needed.


Eric Ludlam
2017-05-30 14:16:10 UTC
Hi Chris,

When using MATLAB from within Emacs, there is an extra toolbox directory added to the path, and an init file. The purpose of this toolbox is to shadow ‘opentoline’ to get it to integrate better with Emacs.

If you run Emacs separately, you won’t get that toolbox. I haven’t tried it, but I’ll guess you could add that Emacs toolbox to your MATLAB path, and run the ‘emacsinit’ command therein.

If you find there are more things to shadow to improve the experience, be sure you are using the newer matlab emacs git repository so your ideas can be integrated back.


From: Christian Peel [mailto:***@taranawireless.com]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:17 PM
To: matlab-emacs-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Matlab-emacs-discuss] matlab-emacs on Windows 10 with a cygwin emacs

Hi folks,

I'm using Matlab 2015a on Windows 10 with GNU Emacs 25.2.1 (x86_64-unknown-cygwin) via cygwin. My goal is to use emacs with matlab in generally the same way as in the EEI-enabled past, or as described by Eric Ludlum in a 2009 Matworks post: https://goo.gl/E7AO51 Do others do this? Or at least thing it's possible? I think I've done this in the past, yet I've always had some sort of *NIX available to work on and did not rely on Windows.

I can use a batch file to open emacsclient from matlab (say via 'open myfun'), which flashes a batch window on the screen. Is there any way to start emacsclient without this DOS command window temporarily showing up on the screen? This is relatively minor and just provides context for the question below.

After configuring emacsclient as editor, and having it work as above, why does clicking on line number in the command window open the *Matlab Editor*? The same thing happens if I set the editor preference to 'Automatically open files when Matlab reaches a breakpoint'.

I'm happy to give more details as needed.


