[Matlab-emacs-discuss] [Bug report] matlab-mode should run prog-mode-hook
Eivind Fonn
2016-04-11 12:35:12 UTC

This seems an unfortunate oversight. After all, matlab-mode is
undeniably a programming mode.

Even better would be if it were defined as a major mode that derives
from prog-mode so that (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode) evaluates to true in
matlab-mode buffers.
Eivind Fonn - http://www.aligulac.com/
SINTEF IKT Anvendt Matematikk
Strindveien 4, 7034 Trondheim

"'Be yourself' is about the worst advice you can give some people." -
Thomas L. Masson
Uwe Brauer
2016-04-11 13:09:04 UTC
Post by Eivind Fonn
This seems an unfortunate oversight. After all, matlab-mode is
undeniably a programming mode.
Even better would be if it were defined as a major mode that derives
from prog-mode so that (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode) evaluates to true in
matlab-mode buffers.
I am not sure that this would work in Xemacs. For the time being I would
not like to delete Xemacs support.

Uwe Brauer
