[Matlab-emacs-discuss] [mirror] added codeblocks (#1)
Uwe Brauer
2016-03-20 08:40:14 UTC
added codeblocks for elisp code in readme.org (trivial patch, testing
whether we know how to handle github pull requests back into sf)
So this is not pushed to master? I cloned
git clone https://github.com/matlab-mode/mirror.git

And can't see your changes nor can I in https://github.com/matlab-mode/mirror
But I see that this branch should be merged. I say go for it! Any comments?

BTW I cannot use your email address

Uwe Brauer
Simon Brown
2016-03-21 12:53:11 UTC
Post by Uwe Brauer
added codeblocks for elisp code in readme.org (trivial patch, testing
whether we know how to handle github pull requests back into sf)
So this is not pushed to master? I cloned
git clone https://github.com/matlab-mode/mirror.git
And can't see your changes nor can I in
But I see that this branch should be merged. I say go for it! Any comments?
Hi Uwe,

If you're happy with the commit you can press the merge button on the
github web UI then push the changes back to SF. As dlebrecht said, this
is the first test of accepting changes from github back onto SF.

Uwe Brauer
2016-03-21 13:51:59 UTC
Hi Simon
Post by Simon Brown
Hi Uwe,
If you're happy with the commit you can press the merge button on the
github web UI then push the changes back to SF. As dlebrecht said, this
is the first test of accepting changes from github back onto SF.
Ok, applied the patch but I had to change the config file slightly:

repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
# url = git://git.code.sf.net/p/matlab-emacs/src # org setting
url = ssh://***@git.code.sf.net/p/matlab-emacs/src
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
[remote "github"]
url = ***@github.com:matlab-mode/mirror.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/github/*

And then indeed:

git pull github master

git push origin master

Worked. Perfect

So Fritz[1]: I applied your patch, thanks


[1] I presume your name is Fritz and your family name da silva:
Portuguese or Brazilian, I presume?
